The Missing Year named one of The New Republic’s Best Books

The New Republic has named The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierra by Pedro Mairal one of the Best Books!

“Narration and evocation perform a savory duet in the Argentine novelist Pedro Mairal’s story of an idiosyncratic artist’s immense autobiographical murals and a son’s quietly impassioned efforts to do justice to his late father and his work. This surefooted exploration of the painter as a quixotic dreamer gives a South American twist to Balzac’s Unknown Masterpiece, with the seventeenth-century Parisian genius of the Frenchman’s classic tale replaced by a twentieth-century Argentine provincial whose work has come to the attention of a major European museum. Mairal’s quickening prose moves from the ordinary to the opulent and back again without skipping a beat. The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierrea will surely leave some readers thinking of Henry James’s tragicomic accounts of the artist’s life,” writes art critic Jed Perl.

Read the whole article and see the entire list here.

World Literature Today’s Notable Translations of 2013

Some Day by Shemi Zarhin and The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierra by Pedro Mairal were both recognized by World Literature Today on their list of Notable Translations of 2013!

The magazine, which has done interviews with translators Yardenne Greenspan (Some Day) and Nick Caistor (The Missing Year) in the past, called these books some the most exciting publications of the year.

Click here to see the entire list.

Interview in Publishing the World

publishing the world


You can read a new interview with NVP cofounders Michael Wise and Ross Ufberg at

Publishing the World is a great website run by Brittany Hazelwood of the German Book Office and Samantha Steele of the French Publishers’ Agency, dedicated to  bringing more literature from around the world into the American living room.

Thanks to Brittany and Samantha, and we hope you enjoy the interview.